While staying at my parents house this last weekend, Lara kept asking everyday to make blueberry muffins. She has never made them before, but is starting to venture into the oven baking world...... away from the microwave. This makes us all a bit nervous. So we thought to ourselves "If Lara tries to make these all by herself, and we don't help her, then they won't turn out and she won't be interested in trying again. So, we watched as she added all the ingredients, reading instructions word by word as she gathered everything that was needed. She even asked my mom for baking cups. The only thing that we did, was turn the oven on. She knew when it was ready and proceeded to place the muffin tin with 6 perfectly filled cups in the hot oven. When they came out a couple of minutes later..... they actually looked okay. They were a little brown on top, but other than that they looked like something that I would cook up. She even labeled a baggie with her name on them, so that there was no mistaking her precious muffins for anyone elses. When it came time for the taste test, her nephew Tyson happily volunteered. He loves blueberry muffins.
The verdict was in...................... "um... mom, these are kind of gross". He then gobbled up the rest of it. So, we had to taste one to find out for ourselves. They were actually not bad. Definitely not great. Not really good. But, not really that bad either. She was very proud of herself and we are wondering what she will want to make next. This is going to be interesting.